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More This, Less That

> A product’s position is a “location” in a more abstract space — the space of trade-offs. The decisions you make about which features to build and how to integrate them places you “closer” or “further” from other products. I love positioning. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing [https://www.

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Build a Product-Focused Audience

We did it wrong too. Most founders do what Jeremy and I did at Tortuga []. They experience a problem, build a solution, then try to sell it to other people. This formula is a great way to find yourself sitting on inventory or, in our case,

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How Do You Motivate Your Employees?

On a recent call with a fellow founder: Him: How do you motivate your employees? Me: I don't. Am I supposed to? I was joking to highlight a serious point. I am not a rah-rah, pound my fist on the table, give a rousing speech CEO. I won&

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Entropy Between Retreats

Many remote companies write about their retreats. They highlight the exotic destinations and fun activities. They talk about why they have retreats. I love reading those posts and comparing notes. I've noticed something that happens at Tortuga [] that I haven't heard other

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The Kernel of Good Strategy

Good strategy starts with a diagnosis, is framed by a guiding policy, and ends with a set of coherent actions.

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Goal-Oriented Communication

Goal-oriented communication is saying the "what" and letting someone else figure out the "how." This style defines a leader, rather than a manager.

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The 4 Stages from Idea to Company

When talking about Tortuga [], I often break our history up into four stages: idea, product, business, and company. We needed a long time to move from one stage to the next, so they are easy to delineate in our case. Regardless of your velocity, each step

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Writing Selfishly

This blog is a completely selfish endeavor. I hope that other people find it useful, but that's not why I write. My writing is a way of talking to myself. Not out loud but online. I write to myself or, sometimes, a past me. Tim Urban of Wait

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A Thank You Letter to All the Bad CEOs

> Our CEO yells a lot. That's a real quote from someone I interviewed. I was so flabbergasted that I typed it up, in quotes, in my notes. For someone to mention this in an interview, the situation must have been bad. Even worse, other interviewees said similar

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5 Signs That a Candidate Can Work Remotely

When hiring at Tortuga [], > [W]e look for signals that someone can be productive outside of an office. From Why We Work Remotely [] Andrew Youderian asked me for more specifics on his Ecommerce Fuel Podcast [